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Modern Poll Day 3 Playlists
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The third day of the Modern poll – 5 more groups, only one of which (the fourth) is curated. If I were a betting pollrunner I would say today’s headline group includes the poll favourite… but we’ll see.

I’m not planning to run polls at the weekend, so after this you get a chance to catch up on the Modern groups so far and we’ll be back on Monday. Check the comments for a note on how we’re resolving ties this poll too.

YouTube Day 3
Spotify Day 3

Modern Qualifier 7 – CURATED by Mitchell S
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This curated group comes from Mitchell S who writes The Run Out Grooves, a newsletter about the closing tracks of LPs. That is not the theme of this group, which is an all-2010s transmission from a parallel poll universe where we did the 5 Letter Words Wordle Cup.

  1. Single from 2012’s The Haunted Man LP, the English singer-songwriter-producer’s third.
  2. Quasi-title track from the modern post-punkers’ 2nd album, 2016’s Adore Life.
  3. From St Vincent’s 3rd LP, 2011’s highly-acclaimed Strange Mercy.
  4. Opening track to the dream-poppers’ 2010 LP Teen Dream
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