Modern Day 8 Playlists
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It’s the final week of Modern Qualifiers! Today we’ve got a particularly gruesome Bracket Balancer headline group, a couple of cracking Curated Groups and a further venture into the Low Shazam Zone. Best get on with it eh?

BONUS PLAYLIST! 21st Covers 20th
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I made a playlist of all your excellent suggestions (that I could find) for a group on the theme “21st Century covers of 20th Century songs”. I’ll pick 4 of these with a headline group in mind – and avoiding stuff we’ve already had. But I thought all of them deserved collection really. Thank you!

Modern Qualifier 33 – CURATED by sclv
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This curated group comes from @sclv and the thematic link should be pretty clear from two of the titles!

  1. A track from 2022’s LP Midnights.
  2. DFA remix of the electroclash artist’s 2006 single.
  3. Title track from the Americana artist’s 2012 debut LP.
  4. From the Norwegian singer-songwriter’s 2014 LP When The Morning Comes.
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