The League Of Extraordinary Tracks 2: 2020 Playlists
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Here are the PLAYLISTS for Round 2 of the League Of Extraordinary Tracks, this week revisiting the year 2020. What happened then eh? Nothing important I’m sure. But these dozen tunes came out and you can vote on them in the poll post.

  1. OPEN MIKE EAGLE – “Headass (Idiot Shinji)” (from Anime, Trauma And Divorce)
  2. NEZ ft SCHOOLBOY Q – “Wild Youngster” (single on Three Six Zero)
  3. DOGLEG – “Kawasaki Backflip” (from Melee)
  4. DELAPORTE – “No Diras” (from Las Montanas)
  5. THAT KID – “Taco Bell” (from Crush)
  6. LORENZO SENNI – “Dance Tonight Revolution Tomorrow” (from Scacco Matto)
  7. LEMBAYUNG GROUP – “Aku Berdansa Seorang Diri Disini” (single on Irama Records)
  8. SAM AMIDON – “Spanish Merchant’s Daughter” (from Sam Amidon)
  9. BRENNEN LEIGH – “Don’t You Know I’m From Here” (from Prairie Love Letter)
  10. MODERN STUDIES – “Photograph” (from The Weight Of The Sun)
  11. PALE BLUE – “I Walk Alone With Acid” (from Breathe EP)
  12. ROUTINE ft ANNIE TRUSCOTT & JAY SOM – “Numb Enough” (from And Other Things EP)

Next week it’s the return of CLOSING TRACKS!

The League Of Extraordinary Tracks 1: PLACENAMES Results
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Thanks to all our nominators for a really terrific opening round and for the 49 brave souls who listened and voted (my target was 48, i.e. 4x the participants, so we hit it almost exactly!).

Here’s the results table, also revealing who picked each song!

As you’ll see from the poster, in 3rd place we have MARTY ROBBINS with “El Paso City”. In 2nd place there’s LAEL NEALE’s “In Verona”, which I hope someone picks for the 2023 end-of-year poll!

But the DOUZE POINTS and congratulations go to actualee simpson for nominating Johnny Adams’ “Georgia Morning Dew” – here it is!

This round turned into a battle between the oldest and newest songs on the list. Later I’ll be posting playlists and poll for Week 2, where the theme is 2020, so that won’t be an issue.

And participants should start hunting out songs for Week 3 – we’ll be revisiting CLOSING TRACKS! The list of previous nominations is here – back then “Dead End Justice” by The Runaways won Golden Beat.

Thanks again too all who took part!

The League Of Extraordinary Tracks 1: PLACENAMES Poll
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Our 12 nominators have each picked a Placename based song for you. There’s a playlist post here (including the link for the Bandcamp only USS Horsewhip track!) but you can also go direct to Spotify or YouTube playlists. Don’t know any of the tracks? That’s the idea! Take your time, listen, discover, and then choose your favourites.

Please pick up to FOUR of your favourites. But remember –


Take your time – it’s up until Saturday morning – and have fun.

Nominators: Week 2’s theme is 2020 and the list of tracks we had in that original poll is here. I need entries for that by Friday night.

[ays_poll id=99]

The League Of Extraordinary Tracks 1. PLACENAMES Playlists
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This post is for the playlist for Week 1 of the League Of Extraordinary Tracks, Season 1.

The theme is PLACENAMES.

You’ll be voting on these in the poll post, up tomorrow. Comment on them there too!

This week we’ve got one track not on YouTube (and only intermittently on Spotify). It’s on Bandcamp though: USS HORSEWHIP – “Cop Cars In The Lettered Streets”

See the sticky comment on this post for the LPs each track comes from.

The League Of Extraordinary Tracks: Seasons 1 + 2 PLAYER LISTS
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Thanks everyone who signed up to the LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY TRACKS, which will begin next Sunday. Demand was higher than expected – I was anticipating about 20 sign-ups at most and we’ve ended up with 30. That’s too many for one or even two seasons (because I want to limit the weekly playlist to a manageable length – one side of a mixtape, if you like).

So, I’ve taken the first 24 people who commented (w/special dispensation for not-on-Twitter folks) and randomised them into 2 sets of players for two eight-week seasons. SEASON 1 starts NOW – get finding those Placenames and 2020 tracks! It’ll run until August 13th (there’s a break at one point when I’m on holiday). Then SEASON 2 will run from August 20th to October 15th. Season 2 will also start with Placenames and 2020

Assuming it all works fine (!), the rest of the prospective players get first refusal on Season 3, which will run up to Christmas. By then I’ll have learned enough about the format to tweak and improve it too. I’ll open up player entries again towards the end of S2 as well.

Here are the player lists: I’ve used commenter names from the original post.


      • actualee simpson
      • Alison Yoder
      • Baltimore Jacks
      • Dan Bright-Amaya
      • ismathers
      • Job
      • jonathanb
      • Pop-O-Matic
      • Son Of Mecha Mummy
      • TheHarderLine
      • therealbreadco
      • winterhaar


      • Dorsalstop
      • Ed Still
      • healingandy
      • Helene Hoffman
      • j_e_l
      • Joe Kay
      • Kit
      • Mark Grout
      • mondosalvo
      • Steffen Rayburn-Maarup
      • Vinnycrackers
      • Willl


      • di qualcosa di sinistra
      • bartlebooth45
      • Mitchell Stirling
      • georgethe23rd
      • ajjr82
      • somejerkoff
      • Arron Wright


      The 12 people in the Season 1 list should find a track which fits the theme PLACENAMES. There’s a list of the tracks in the original Placenames poll here – you should avoid these as the idea is to find something people haven’t heard! Standard rules apply – must be on Spotify, YouTube or Bandcamp. No need to choose a backup – in the event of a clash I’ll let you know immediately.

      To nominate, either DM @peoples_pop on Twitter or if you’re not on Twitter, email

      Deadline for this is midnight on Friday UK time. If anyone hasn’t sent a track in, I’ll substitute one myself.

      The people in the Season 2 and Reserves lists have to sit and wait for now – sorry! But they do have the fun of listening, commenting, and voting safe in the knowledge nobody’s judging their taste… yet.